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Social Licence Watchdogs

Debt Collection Countdown

The countdown is on for
BHP, Chevron, Glencore, Inpex and Woodside
to pay the true cost of their carbon emissions.
The Social Licence Watchdogs are here to collect.

The Social Cost of Carbon

Illustrated lecture.
Sergeant Sniffer introducing the Greenhouse Gas Impact Value Estimator – GIVE model
(courtesy of Resources of the Future).

In climate science research, the social cost of carbon  is regarded as the ‘most important number you’ve never heard of’.    In 2022, ‘resources for the future’ released a study calculating the social cost of carbon to society by measuring the impacts of C02 emissions on agriculture, mortality, energy consumption and sea-level rise.  A dollar value is placed on every additional tonne of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.


The Social Cost of Carbon Formula. a simple estimate for the social cost of carbon courtesy of sciencedirect.com

The SCC-Co2 is the monetary value of the net harm to society associated with adding one metric tonne of C02  into the atmosphere in a given year. It includes the value of all climate change impacts, including:

  • changes in agricultural productivity, 

  • human health effects, 

  • property damage from increased flood risk, 

  • natural disasters, 

  • disruption of energy systems, 

  • risk of conflict, 

  • environmental migration, and 

  • the value of ecosystem services.

Calculator tool:

Would you like to work out the social cost of carbon for yourself?

The Social Licence Watchdogs have provided a basic calculation tool for working out the Social Cost of Carbon. Here’s how to use this tool effectively:

Input Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for a company in the input field below and press enter.

The calculator tool will multiply the amount by the social cost of carbon rate of AU$275. This is the monetary value associated with emitting one additional tonne of CO2 and give you a total

The damage modules will auto calculate based on the GIVE model percentages capturing harms to coastal damage, mortality rate, energy and agriculture.


x $275  =  $0

Breakdown by Damage Sector Modules:
